Import Shapes from Visio

  1. Start up Visio.
    Move the mouse pointer over a Master Shape in the Stencil, and then click with the right mouse button.
    A popup menu will be displayed, then click on the [Copy] to copy the Master Shape to the Clipboard.

  2. Activate Dynamic Draw.
    Move the mouse pointer over the Chip Store, and click with the right mouse button.
    A popup menu will be displayed, then click on the [Paste as chip]([Paste on chip group] in former versions).

  3. The [Paste Special] dialog will be displayed.
    Choose "Picture (Enhanced metafile)" and click on the [OK] button.

  4. Chip Name inputting will be required with the following dialog.
    Just click on the [OK] button in this case.

  5. The chip will be copyed and appear in the Chip Store.

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