Subject: Re^2: Copy Error 6.0.4
Message No. : 30
Date : 2021/07/01(Thu) 16:56:17
Name : Aerith
Website :
It was OK in version 5. But when we upgraded to v6, this NG scenario occurred.

Also, we want it as embedded DynamicDraw object (instead of just a plain emf/jpg/png) since the Word/Excel is used for collaboration.

> Oh sorry, the error message is something strange. :-(
> Dynamic Draw cannot copy large image. But it will be possible to export as a image file.
> Try the following menu command to export an image file.
> File menu > Export selected object picture
> Then start Word/Excel and import the image file.
> > Hi! When I copy the drawing, an error message occurs: "A part of image was not copied because the area was too large. It is some problem if you past as metafile."
> >
> > Then when I paste in Word/Excel as embedded object, the pasted image is incomplete.
> >
> > Is there as fix/workaround for this?

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